Le Professeur Moreno intervient lors d’un événement organisé par WISE le 16 février.

La table-ronde « Learning Ecosystems Living Lab » se tiendra à 18h Doha time / 16h CET.

Description :

Discussions and debates around designing learning ecosystems often focus on stakeholders, pedagogies and assessments of these ecosystems but equally important is how learners relate and engage with the physical and digital space that surrounds them. How then do we (re)design our cities and public spaces in order to maximize learning opportunities? What can we learn from urban-related movements such as the new cities, smart city and placemaking conversations?


–  Jayashri (Jay) Deshmukh, Manager, Architecture at IBI Group, India/Canada

–  Helen Shwe Hadani, fellow, Brookings Institution, USA

–  Jason Twill, Director, World Cup Program, Qatar Foundation, US/Qatar

– Pr Carlos Moreno, Scientific Director of the Chair ETI, IAE Paris, France

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