Pr Carlos Moreno intervient à 16h-17h30 à la session “Revitalising Neighbourhoods. Climate Action at the neighbourhood scale. Why the 15-minute-city approach is taking cities by storm”.

Il remercie C40 Cities pour cette belle invitation. Il est très heureux d’intervenir aux côtés d’experts internationaux :

  1. Luke Sherlock (Chair), Head of China Engagement at C40 Cities
  2. Hélène Chartier (Chair), Head of Zero Carbon Development at C40 Cities
  3. Carlos Moreno Scientific Director at University Sorbonne-IAE Paris
  4. Trude Rauken Special Advisor at the Department of Environment and Transport at the City of Oslo
  5. Ariadna Miquel Amengual Architect of the City of Barcelona
  6. Wiebke Grosskopf Office of Environmental Protection, Trade Supervision and Energy at the City of Heidelberg
  7. Derek Dunsire Principle Officer in Neighbourhoods, Regeneration and Sustainability at the City of Glasgow
  8. Christina Salmhofer Sustainability Strategist for the Stockholm Royal Seaport
  9. Jaromír Hainc Director of the City Development Department at the Prague Institute of Planning and Development
  10. Remco Hempenius Expansion Development Manager at IKEA
  11. Anders Berg Sørensen Transaction and Business Development at NREP
  12. Sharon Gil Circular Economy in Cities Lead at UNEP

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2 Juin 2022 – Young leaders Fire chat – Helsingborg

Pr Carlos Moreno participe à une discussion ouverte en petit comité programmée à 14h à Helsingborg lors d’un Fire Chat dédié aux jeunes leaders.